4 Smart Steps to Let Go of Unproductive Habits

A pair of old sneakers that, like old habits, are hard to toss out unless you work through developing and adopting new habits through action learning

Old comfortable habits, like old comfortable shoes, are sometimes difficult to discard. But often your success as a leader depends on letting go, even if those old behaviors used to work well for you.

Whether you have been promoted, your role has expanded, expectations have been raised or everything around you is changing, you need to constantly assess what skills you need to add and what behaviors you need to abandon in order to succeed going forward. Perhaps you’ll have to let go of some control and delegate more. Maybe you’ll have to send your second-in-command to those meetings you can no longer attend.

Whatever behavior you need to release, apply the recommendations of action learning for leadership development whereby you test things out in real-time, step-by-step, and then adjust at a pace that works for you according to the results you observe.
  1. Target a behavioral area that needs to change and be crystal clear about how you propose to change it.
  2. Change a little bit at a time rather than take on an impossible challenge. 
  3. Ask for help and understanding from your team as you try out a new way of behaving.
  4. Assess and reflect upon the results. Tweak as needed and go back to the beginning.
Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/action-learning-leadership-development/