Five Attributes of Great Leaders

Sure…you can read many articles on the subject of leadership about what great leaders do. But, according to many who study action learning and leadership development, what great leaders feel is even more important.

1.     Courage. Leaders need the courage to step out and take risks to realize their dream.

2.     Honesty. Recognize your strengths and your weaknesses and be humble enough to work on improving yourself.

3.     Vulnerability. Be yourself and show that you have emotions and heart. Great leaders have great empathy and do not fear showing their human side.

4.     Understanding. Know that as you rise through the ranks and delegate responsibilities to others, there will be mistakes. Instead of blaming, focus on improvement. Your trust in your employees will be paid back many times over in their loyalty and increased effort.

5.     Integrity. You know the difference between right and wrong. Never choose the lower path to success. You must set the example for others. This is the way to build an environment of trust and accountability.

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