Teach Your Leaders to Craft a Winning Strategy

Every business leader knows they need a strategy…no sure future without it…but where do you begin?

A strategy is simply a plan to bring about a desired goal.

  1. Create a vision of where you want your company to go in the next year or more.
  2. Craft the plan to get there. Move by move, how do you shift your chess pieces on the board to achieve victory?
Ultimately, the challenge is in the details—the implementation. There are multiple routes to the finish line. Your leaders must have the skills and confidence to be able to select the least risky and most direct path that makes sense for your specific situation. 

There will always be unexpected obstacles along the way so leaders also need to be flexible enough to leap over or sidestep the barricades as quickly as possible.

The ABC’s of Good Action Learning Leadership Development

Volumes have been written about how to be a good manager. But when all the words have been analyzed and digested, they boil down to three basic tenets of good management that should be incorporated into all action learning leadership development programs for managers:

A.    Good managers have earned the trust of their team. They are trustworthy because they have integrity, they have the ability to lead their team to achieve agreed-upon goals, and they do what they say they will do.

B.    Good managers respect their team…as individuals and as a whole. They appreciate the strengths each member brings and foster an environment where differences are valued, not maligned. They recognize that, in order to gain the commitment of each member, an effective team needs a clearly articulated goal.

C.    Good managers look beyond their team. Just as team members must work together to get things done, managers must network throughout the organization to ensure that their team has the cooperation and support, enterprise-wide, that they need to function effectively.