How and Why to Finally Stop Micro-Managing

How and Why to Finally Stop Micro-Managing

You don’t ever want your top talent to quit. Star performers are too difficult to find and cultivate.

The sad thing is that it happens…employees quit and often their managers had little clue the employee was a flight risk. All the more reason to constantly evaluate your leadership skills so you know what your team is thinking and feeling.

It turns out that one of the biggest lessons learned from action learning leadership development assignments is that too many employees leave because they feel they are being micro-managed. And yet their bosses had no idea that their behavior was so resented. Micro-managers stifle employees. Micro-managers decrease motivation. Micro-managers squelch engagement.

Are you a micro-manager? Check your leadership style against these clear signs:

  • You enjoy making frequent and minor corrections.
  • You are never fully satisfied with employees’ work products.
  • You insist on being copied on all work and all emails.
  • You are frustrated when you would have done something differently.

Even if not, ask your team if they would like less oversight and supervision from you. You might find that less structure will unleash their greater potential and productivity.

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